Side Yard Sounds: Kouri Hall + Sonnenzimmer
This Saturday! We are so excited to present Kouri Hall + Sonnenzimmer at Side Yard Sounds!
#244 Lake Street, Oak Park, IL.
7pm to 9pm
come early to make sure you get a good spot!
$15 at the door tickets sold here: https://www.ticketleap.events/.../side-yard-sounds-kouri...
All proceeds go to pay artists and to support this program
Kouri Hall is multi-instrumentalists and visual artists Chad Kouri and Andy Hall creating mixed genre sound influenced by jazz, rock, field recordings, folk, funk, hip-hop, house, resistance music, ambient, Avant Garde and high school band, all explored within the context of Chicago’s vast history of improvisation. Their systematic yet spontaneous minds make music out of intuitive feelings and improvised mantras, promoting evolution, joy, exuberance & play.
About the performance:
To celebrate the release of Yonder Me by Nadine Nakanishi, Sonnenzimmer, the collaborative practice of Nadine Nakanshi and Nick Butcher, will stage a live action rendition of the book's content. The performance will include a reading from the book, original music, and choreographed movements to extract the content into a living document. Together we will create a collective experience of Yonder-ness.
About Yonder Me
Yonder Me is a publication by Nadine Nakanishi. It’s is a quiet exploration of identity. It's a journey spun across text, drawings, and photographs that documents a process of reflexive discovery. In it, Nadine lays bare the tensions between self-perception and self-creation, as she processes her tri-cultural, bi-racial, and singular self. Beautifully marrying abstraction and documentation, this book follows her previous titles Formal Additive Programs (2010, Sonnenzimmer) and Field Integration (2009, Sonnenzimmer), and is a natural extension of their inquisitive, process-based nature. However, in Yonder Me, Nadine inverts her sometimes didactic sensibilities to create an open-ended song we can all hum along to. A tune for anyone who has ever felt othered or misconstrued. A rhythm we've all felt tugging at our chest and a drawing we all get.
To purchase the book: https://www.sonnenzimmer.com/product-page/yonder-me
About Sonnenzimmer
Sonnenzimmer is the collaborative practice of artists Nick Butcher & Nadine Nakanishi. We began working together in the early 2000’s combining our love for visual art, typography, graphic design, printmaking, and music in the form of screen printed concert posters. Supported by Chicago’s thriving improvised music community, we developed an experimental approach to graphic expression that tested the limits of abstraction, legibility, communication, and the medium of print. –– This approach soon gave way to deeper investigation of the nature of graphic expression at large. Having created thousands of graphic images, we began to ask ourselves “what is this stuff?” and “what role does it play in society?”.
–– We had a hunch that something lay just beneath the surface of human-made graphics that had yet to be formulated. This curiosity has led us to research graphics in the natural world, contemporary advances in imaging, indigenous cosmologies, experimental physics, and beyond. –– Amidst this, our graphic practice has grown to include exhibitions, publishing, performance, commissioned graphic design, and even music. Through each of these respective outputs, our core concern remains. We’ve come to view graphics as a fluid social membrane that allows humanity to think together beyond the individual. Graphics are an augmented collective reality that each of us lay claim to. Our work seeks to illuminate and make sense of this space